moon hymn

as fate would have it, i saw him walk past my window last night. in my sleep, i dreamed of kindness until the sun set and left this world in all its rubble. in memory, i bled -- trails of sacred footprints in each tear, trails of friendship left wounded in ice. i have found the secret sun, a man of god in the folds of the rocks. and yet in the memory of uncut castles, i weep. in the justice which drowns compassion, i weep. in the pain that fills earth's opening with coal, i weep. [and in the moon's humming remainder, the man of god gently smiles and holds the opal in his hand, turning each occlusion to the light until the brilliance of human fire shines through the dust].
an ex-friend of mine from a few months back left me one day without a word, but not before clearing out my bank-account. unluckily for him, there was not that much money in there. unluckily for me, it was all I had. i borrowed money to get my footing back, and never saw him again until last night when his motorcycle pulled up right beside my car at a red light a few blocks from my home. he had on a new leather riding jacket, and his bike had some new detailing work, so at least i knew that my life’s savings went to good use. he was wearing his helmet, but i recognized him instantly - i recognized the bike, the helmet, and the unmistakable shaking of his head (without hearing a sound, i could tell he had spotted me and was muttering 'fuck...fuck...' under his breath). i thought about lowering my car window (he was just off to my side) and saying...well, saying what? what i really wanted to say was 'please...why? how in the world is this the human state of things?' so instead, i let him screech off at the green light without a word.
this week i find that another friend of mine - one whom i have come to hold dear, one whom i care for deeply - has gone away. i am literally sick with sorrow about this loss: please...why? how in the world is this the human state of things?
if i make it through this week, it will be the prayer of angels that keeps me from falling. if i make it through this week, it will be the man of god in the rocks who shares with me his grace.
if you are here and want to help make me it through the week, leave me some words, but most of all, please be kinder to each person you meet (even the asshole at work who refuses to say hello to you at the copy machine); please be kinder to every human person you see – there is no other formula for raising peace out of this rubble.
i believe shit happens to us to make us stronger.
be happy tower girl.
They are not worth it. They were pretending all along. The sooner they left, the better for you… so be happy.
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